Thursday, October 20, 2005


Really Late..

..I am really late posting and I apologize for that but my computer has not been very cooperative. First we got a bug or something and then my blog did not work right. So...I have been battling the hi-tech world. I finally got my blog back but I did lose some posts but that is okay but I still cannot get my Knitting Loom Circle image to load. But the link does work so if anyone has any ideas on loading this image I would greatly appreciate it.
...Well, on to knitting topics, the A4A met their goal! They ended up with 5,860 items to send to the children which is really wonderful. There will be some very warm kids thanks to a lot of caring knitters and crocheters.
...I finished my loomed camo hat for grandson # 1. It turned out very well and I think that he will be pleased. He is wanting to be GI Joe for Halloween so a military beanie was essential.
..I also finished my "pumpkin" slippers from our last KAL at KWON. I think they are rather cute and granddaughter #1 will love them. We have started another slipper KAL in the group - these will be adult slippers. Maybe it is time for a pair for grandma :)
...Speaking of KWON these ladies have been really busy. I have received so many beautiful items for the TTT babies from this group. They are just super. The group's contributions total over 1300 - outstanding! So many babies will be warmer because of the warm hearts of this group. I cannot thank you all enough.
..I got a wonderful pattern for needle knitted slippers from a friend on another group and I have been working on those for Ship Support. I have been making hats for some time and a change is nice. And the emails that Ellen gets from the guys are so great. They are all so appreciative - for the knitted items but just as much for the support from back home. If you have time to make a few items for the guys and gals who are so far away from home fighting for the freedom that we enjoy please do so. They are giving up their time at home with their families, enduring a lot and some are giving their lives for us - a small bit of yarn and time seems too little in return. However, the moral support that those items provide is priceless.
...WIP - prayer shawl (bless its heart) is still on the rake - large projects are just difficult for me to complete. But I do stop and do a few rows when I can. A pair of slippers on the needles, a hat on the needles, and some dishcloths for dad's church fall bazaar.
...For those who are being threatened by Wilma - my prayers and thoughts are with you. God Bless and stay safe.
...Happy knitting all

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