Monday, January 30, 2006


...I am so behind

I am so behind...we were blessed to have been chosen randomly by the NC Dept. of Revenue for a sales tax audit at work - what an experience! I have spent every moment working those auditors and my workdays have totally exhausted me so my crafts and my life have been put on hold. But finally they have returned to their offices and my life can now go back to normal (or as normal as it gets for me! LOL)

I did get to finish my scarf though, in my spare moments, which I am very pleased with it. I think that my looming was the only thing that kept me sane through this ordeal.

And I got the most wonderful gift in the mail from Lynn (our list mom for KWON) my prize from the anniversary party. A new loom, pick and some of Lynn's wonderful bee balm! This was just the positive uplift that I needed during this "hair-pulling" tax adventure. The loom is a new one that Lynn has come out with - a fine gauge teeny loom! It is so super! Just the right size to fit in your purse so you can carry your looming with you and makes a wonderful 6" wide piece - just perfect for scarves, squares and panels for an afghan.

And of course I could not let this poor little loom sit alone, by itself, with no one paying it any had to try it out and give it some love. So I took some yarn from my stash and began a lovely blue scarf. I think that I will keep this scarf for myself - a reminder of how important friends are and how they can always make you smile when you need one :)
I have completed the final totals for TTT for 2005 and the group delivered almost 7,000 items to the hospitals for the "little ones". This was a record year for us and what a wonderful statement it was. In this world where the news daily pounds us with all the negative things that occur each day, I have been blessed to see the loving, sharing positive side of people that is still present today. Yes Virgina, there are still folks who will give to others whom they do not know expecting nothing in return, but only hoping to comfort someone who is need. I thank God each day that He has allowed me to have these special people in my life.
....hoping you will have a blessed week,

Sunday, January 08, 2006


..and the yarn goes on

...I have started a new scarf on my scarf loom. I am using a worsted and a novelty yarn and it is coming out very well. I love the color and texture variations and it gives the scarf some extra interest. Here is the work in progress.
...I am working on my soap sack for our KWON Valentine exchange. I am using some yellow cotton yarn and I think that it will turn out very pretty. I love yellow - it is such a happy color. I will post photos of it when I finish it.
...I had planned to do several projects this weekend but I have been blessed with the cold and cough bug that is going around and I have not felt like doing much. I came home from work and went to bed on Friday. I did a few things around the house yesterday but not much - no energy. Today was much better and I went to church services today. So hopefully I am on the mend now. Everyone that has had this said it generally takes two weeks to get rid of it and since I have one week down I am half-way - yeah!
...Our KWON group had their first year Anniversary this week. We have over 550 members in the group and it is just like a family. It has been a wonderful year as we have learned, shared, and made friendships over our looming projects. Congratulations Lynn for such a great group and thanks for giving us the opportunity to share our love of looming with others. If you love looming, or would like to get involved with this wonderful craft - join us. A link for our group is on the left side of my blog.
...Have a wonderful week all! Happy Looming!

Sunday, January 01, 2006


Happy New Year!

...A new year is here ... a fresh year open for new opportunities...and blessings to be revealed. I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas and that 2006 will be a very special one for you all.
...I have been on vacation since the 23rd of December so I have been loving this time off. We closed the office so the employees could spend time with their families but the vacation is almost over - we go back to work on Tuesday. But that is okay as I have been able to get a bunch of things done at home that was very needed. I got my sewing room back in order, went yarn shopping (like I needed more), spent time with the family and did some much needed housecleaning.
...Our KWON group is doing a Loom Decoration contest and the time off gave me a chance to get my chosen loom decorated. I used one of Lynn's adjustable looms and fixed up "happy and cheerful." I love Lynn's looms, they are just wonderful. They are wooden, handmade, super quality, and you cannot beat the price. If you get one, just like potato chips, you will never be able to stop yourself. I am ashamed to say how many I have hanging on my sewing room wall but they are all needed :) And she is coming out with some new ones soon....oh, I do hear them calling my name. She has just redone her website and you can order them online now so be sure to check them out.
...and here is my loom. The photo does not show it very well, but it is bright pick with purple pegs. It has Mickey and Minnie decals along with hearts. The verse reads...Happiness is is a joy...and Love is a blessing.
I had such fun doing the loom, and I plan to maybe do another one. Thanks Lynn for such a wonderful idea!
...Blessings all

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