Tuesday, February 13, 2007


I am overwhelmed.....but...

February has been deemed my "clear out WIP month." After searching for one of those hanks of yarn that "I just know that I have here somewhere" days I have come to the conclusion that I have entirely too many wips. So......February is complete my wip month. I have started clearing out baskets, checking beside, behind and on chairs, looking beside sofas and making it a mission to find all the projects that I have started but never completed.
Now that we have completed that task....and man do we have a bunch of them...we will begin to do a triage. We will separate them out into three groups: 1) a project that we definitely want to finish, 2) a project that I am not that crazy about..but if I have time I will complete, 3) the frog group.
The frog group is those projects that are destined to be frogged so the yarn that can be used for a another project. So, for whatever the reason...hate the project.....hate my stitches...just don't want to finish it..these projects will become balls of yarn - ready for a new day.
..... off to do some rip..rip..rip...ripping......

.......have a cup of java and enjoy the sounds of the rain

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