Thursday, March 24, 2005


Finally finished...

The capes are finally finished! Now the grandbabies will be all fixed up for Sunday. I ended up using one of my old standby patterns as the other two new ones did not work up pretty in the yarn that I was using. I know better than to try a new pattern when I am pushing a deadline - but I did it anyway. They are finished though and that is what counts. I just need to wash and block them tonight. I will take them by DD's office tomorrow and give them to her.
The photo is not really good but they actually turned out very pretty. I am pleased with them anyway.
And...I added some more yarn to my stash today - we really may need to start sleeping on it as DH says :) But it was such a good deal and I have such a weakness for yarn. It was...On sale...That is just too good to pass up. Smiley's yarn is having a blow-out sale this month. They have LB Boucle for .99 per ball. There is no limit on the quantity you can order but the colors are very limited. I bought several for prayer shawls. They also have some great buys on some other yarns so might want to check them out. Have a blessed Easter all :)
Happy Knitting :)

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