Monday, September 19, 2005


Charity Shipments have all gone out

My charity shipments have all been completed and sent or delivered. My hats went out to A4A, my Online Angels items were shipped and the TTT deliveries have been made to the hospitals. It was a heavy month but I feel really good about it. Now to begin on the new projects. I have my 100 hat goal for TTT and I want to start on my Christmas gifts since I know that if I do not start now they will never be ready for Christmas.
DH and I have been bitten by the yuck bug that is going around so we have not been up to par the last few days. Going to work has been about the extent of what we can manage and we fight over the couch when we get home. DH has had the worse case and cannot get very far from the Kleenex box, poor dear. But hopefully we are on the mend now and things will return to normal again.
My heart goes out to those on the gulf coast as the news of more hurricanes is being forecasted. Dear people know that you are in the prayers of many. And everyone please continue to remember the Katrina families they will need prayers and help for some time to come.
Have a great week and and happy knitting!
"Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For indeed, that's all who ever have." - Margaret Mead

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