Friday, December 09, 2005
Winter Has Arrived
...Well, Winter has arrived with the cold temperatures, winds and ice...more ice...and more ice! I do not dread the snow too bad but the ice is not a welcome sight. We have had several days of flickering power (but thanks goodness our did not go out as many did), slick roads and dreary days. Oh, Spring where are you?
...The KWON group has been really busy making hats, blankets, and booties for TTT. These ladies are so wonderful. It has kept me busy just sorting and packaging but what a blessing! Ladies I love you all. Here is some of their wonderful items.
...Are they not just lovely? The babies will be so cute.
...Progress is being made slowly on the Christmas WIP items but I am getting there. I have finished my KWON exchange hats and hope to get them in the mail soon. I have already starting receiving some. When I get my tree done I will post a photo for you.
...Well off to finish some laundry.
Blessings! *GB2G*