Sunday, September 17, 2006


Completed Projects

My Completed loomed dishcloth for my loom group exchange. I loomed it on a fine gauge loom with cotton yarn. I used a knitted pattern from R.White's site and converted it to the loom.

My prayer shawl that I did for my Aunt Grace. It was done on the LM beret loom using LB Homespun. I used a 1/1 stitch and skipped every third peg - makes a lacy shawl but a very soft and warm one.

I finished the Ez baby sweater but I am not pleased with it so I may rip it out again. I am still debating on that one.

I have started another prayer shawl for a friend that just lost her Dad. I hope to get it finished this week so I can get it into the mail this week.

We have had so many friends, family and friends of family in the hospitals the past two weeks that it has been a sad time. So many in need of prayer and I know that we all have family and friends in need of prayer so let us remember each other.

At the homefront.....we lost one of our chickens - the neighbor's cat decided that he wanted chicken for dinner so he helped himself to one of ours ;( I was so heartbroken when I came home and found that stray boy had gotten into the chicken pen and got our favorite rooster Rocky. So Hubby set to work with saw, nails and lumber and added an addition on to the chicken house. Now all of the chickens are in an enclosed house that is off the ground. Stray boy cannot get to them and the chickens are very happy and content.

We have two doggies expecting now. Daisy Mae is due to have her puppies on the 29th of this month and Minnie is due on October 4. The grandchildren will love coming to mawmaw's this Thanksgiving - they will have puppies to play with!

I had some wonderful items to deliver for TTT last month. Some of the most precious gowns, hats, booties and blankets. The nurses were so thrilled with the items for the little ones and just kept thanking me for bringing them. For all you TTT donors please know that your items are so appreciated and your special love is felt by all.

Have a wonderful week all.......may your blessings be too many to count......and your heart filled with peace!

Happy Knitting,

have enjoyed reading your posts and seeing all your knitting!
Thank you so much Peggy. Have a wonderful day.
You do beautiful work!!!
And you're a weaver! Looming is my latest obsession. I know nothing at all about it, but I'm aching to try. I ordered a lap loom that hasn't arrived yet - also ordered a beginer book. I'm finding it so hard to find weaving instructions, supplies, etc locally or on line. Any advice for a beginner would really be appreicated!!!
Thank you for your kind words. What I do is not weaving, but is loom knitting or what is also known as peg knitting. I have not tried weaving but The Woolery where I get my wool for spinning has a good selection of weaving supplies.
I hope this helps you.
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