Sunday, February 17, 2008


Blankets Galore

Lately, it has been blanket blinge time. Every once in a while you just get an urge to make something in particular. When this happens, you get an itch that has to be scratched then you must take care of this immediately.

So... you begin your journey by checking the yarn stash .... choosing the yarns that call out "choose me - take me". Now our yarns have been chosen, so it is off to our second step - the pattern.

Off to the bookshelf.... we will take a stroll through our magazine stash, piles of papers that have cherished patterns that we have printed off while "surfing the net" and our prized collection of books. When we have chosen our patterns...then it off to knitting and/or crocheting.

And voila! Our itch has been scratched....our blankets are done... a project has been completed and gift for a charity is done.

What a wonderful day!

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